Book ends

Just a little update for people who have been asking about my debut novel Small Reckonings. It came out in March, sold out, was reprinted in May and now as December comes to a close, we’re just about sold out again. With more requests coming in, Rick and I are going to release a revised edition under our own writing company, Copestone. So watch for that in early 2021! Same story, different cover. I have been so humbled by the dozens of reader responses I’ve received, and I’m so pleased we’ll be able to get the story out to even more of you soon. There is a possibility that a copy or two is still available through Inclusion Press in Ontario. Email Cathy Hollands – – to check. And the sequel – so many have been asking for it! – is underway. In the photos, you’ll see Jim and I going over the original story, hunting down any errant typos and tweaking here and there. Thanks to all of you who have asked what will happen next, even those who have suggested what should happen! And, wait for it, there’s a twist to the original true story that I just found out about!

The first edition of the novel had a great year, and I was happy to be a guest at many Zoom book club meetings with more to come soon. I even got to do a reading for the Fairview Rotary Club, my old hometown when I was in junior high and high school, at the invite of my favourite old school bus driver! It was a thrill to see the book promoted during Sask Books Week in September at wonderful local bookstores like Turning the Tide on Broadway. It’s quite exciting to see your book displayed in a store window. And I’ve met so many wonderful people – at a distance and masked – who purchased a copy or copies. People like Ev MacKay in the blue face mask below; Ev and her late husband Ron (he passed away with covid earlier this year) owned Red’s Camps in La Ronge. They were frequent hosts to Johnny Cash and June Carter, and even Jacques Cousteau over the years. Now there’s a story that needs to become a novel!