Dialect revisited

Bonnie Cherewyk, communications coordinator with the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living, and editor of SACL’s magazine, Dialect, stopped in the other day to talk about the book. Have a look at the complete magazine; we’re on pages 8–9. Fun to be on the other end of a Dialect interview after 26 some years! Thanks Bonnie!

With friends like these…

Al Etmanski is one of the best people I’ve known for, dare I say, decades? Our son Jim calls him Big Al and declares him “a good good good guy.” When we were a bit concerned as Jim got more quiet with age, Al’s calming words helped us see our son through a gentler lens, a softer focus: “He’s just becoming a Zen master.” Talking really is over-rated!

Al writes a wonderful blog and his recent post on October 4th about my new book was a beautiful gift. Thanks, pal. I recommend that you subscribe to his blog; it’ll be good good good for you.
