Choosing Winnipeg

If you’re at The Choice is Ours, the national conference of the Canadian Association for Community Living in Winnipeg at the end of September, come by the Flourish book table and say hi! I’d love to talk to you about what you–or your friends or family members–are passionate about. Maybe we can get a Flourish sequel started!

Thanks for spreading the word

It’s a dated media reference, but if I tell two friends and each of them tells two friends and… well, you get the idea. That’s what’s happening with friends and fellow writers who are spreading good stories about people pursuing passions and making a lot of lives better in the process. Huberta Hellendoorn in Dunedin, New Zealand, has got a new blog; she’s Miriam’s mum and both appear in my new book. Huberta’s own book, The Madonna in the Suitcase, is a lovely tribute to  her daughter’s tenacity and gentle spirit. Have a look and get a copy. Artist Jenny Unrein of Kansas who is also featured in Flourish found her way onto a wonderful blog written by my friend Lisa Bendall. If you are into spreading your own bits of kindness around in your daily life, read this! Sharing stories about the passion and talents of friends and family with disabilities is making all our lives richer.