“This left me trembling”

This is what a friend of ours said after reading this article by Jeff Wise published in the New York Intelligencer. An achingly beautifully written and terrifying piece that should be required reading by anyone who thinks this pandemic “won’t get me” or “it’s not much worse than the flu.”


Distance visiting

We found a way to visit with my parents, get some fresh air, and social distance ourselves all at the same time. At least it’s not -30. Even the neighbour’s cat came by to check in. And that’s our University Drive neighbour’s front window with a pretty good recommendation. Another neighbour requested that we all put up hearts in our windows so her kids can look for them as they go for treasure hunt walks. Good to see people who are out for a walk staying well away from the neighbours. The new normal. Stay safe, everyone.



Leaning into it

Self-isolation can be an opportunity. I came across this post from Melissa Kerr Winchell that is well worth sharing. In the meantime, we are avoiding stores or and going to work. Jim’s volunteer workplace–the YMCA– is shut down. We’re trying to make sure my parents (Mom is 88 and Dad is 92, still in their own home) have what they need and that Mom doesn’t go stir crazy! Mom is recalling stories her father told about the Spanish influenza outbreak in 1919; Grampa Anderson, on the farm in Minnesota, lost his mother, brother and sister. Sobering stories. We’re going to take Melissa’s advice and build some opportunity and stucture into our days, using the time to do what we can to make it better. Our friend Elizabeth says Jim needs a refresher on ‘social distancing’ when it comes to placing biscuits on the baking tray. Keep safe everyone, and wash your hands!

Spring 2020 HOME is here

The spring issue of Saskatoon HOME magazine officially hit the streets, as they say, today. Here’s a link to the digital version and if you’re looking to pick up a free copy from any one of a number of our racks around town, here’s where to go. Don’t miss any of the four issues this year; get yourself a subscription for only $20 and pick your magazine up in your very own mailbox. As the HOME editor/writer, I’m always proud to see the latest edition come out to inform and entertain our readers. Our writers and photographers are always intent on creating a fresh new look at Saskatoon. And given our weekend dump of snow, don’t you just yearn to smell a bit of that evergreen from writer Julie Barnes on this cover story? Speaking of wonderful fragrances, wait until you get to Craig Silliphant’s foodie column on Scandinavian meatballs. My own Swedish roots are prompting me to get those ingredients on my next shopping list (except, uff da, don’t call them Swedish meatballs!) Let us know what smells (and otherwise) you enjoy in this issue!
