HOME soon!

As editor of Saskatoon HOME magazine, I get to do some pretty interesting stuff. And every now and then, I get to wear a fetching pink hardhat while I’m doing it. Watch for the Winter issue of HOME, just about ready to hit the streets. Go with us inside what might be the most talked about house ever, under construction now in Greenbryre Estates by Decora Homes.  Interior design consultant Whitney Romero gave HOME publisher Amanda and me a tour several weeks ago, and the feature will let you in on what all the buzz has been about. That, and plenty of other great stories and photos about Saskatoon life, homes, decor, renovations, and more will be available soon. Check the website for your copy and info on all the ways you can get it.


HOME has new digs

Does anyone say ‘new digs’? Apparently I do. Had a great visit with my pal Amanda Soulodre about the upcoming winter issue of Saskatoon HOME magazine in the new HOME and Prairies North offices in the Wall Street Common, downtown Saskatoon. I am in love with the rejuvenated warehouse, but particularly enamoured with the floor. The stories it could tell… Watch for that winter issue, coming out in early December. We hope you will love it as much as we do.


Something’s happening…

I don’t want to jinx this yet, but I want to mark a new surreal and unexpected development regarding the historical novel I’ve been working on for the last several years. I won’t say too much now since you never know what might happen, but I’m thinking the family just might have a book in their Christmas stockings in 2018.



Word on the Street bigs

One of my absolute favourite events of the year is the annual Word on the Street literary festival in Saskatoon. This year in September, it was held on beautiful Broadway, the centre of our universe. If you haven’t been, you should. Free readings and interviews with artists, writers, actors and an array of booths about all things artsy and literary. We so enjoyed Henry Woolf in conversation with Jeff Rogstad. Had a nice chat later with Henry (look at that face!), and with novelist Gail Bowen. Mark your calendar for next fall. This is one of those ‘can’t believe we get to go’ festivals right in our neighbourhood.

That night on the marge

When I was 10, I lived in Atlin, British Columbia. My teachers in a one-room trailer school house were from Australia and enamoured with Robert Service. For the Christmas concert, I learned to recite ‘The Cremation of Sam McGee.’ Slightly weird for a Christmas pageant, but there are strange things done in the midnight sun. In September, Rick, Jim and I visited my parents in Whitehorse and enjoyed a drive out to ‘the marge on Lake Leberge’ and collected a few stones from the shore. We’ll take them to our grandson in San Diego, and the Robert Service poem will be passed on to the Americans in the family. That’s us wth the Melbergs Senior as we moiled for gold.
